I Agree
(too old to reply)
2008-11-12 12:28:10 UTC
I've had no problems for a long time. Mike is nowhere near as involved
as he used to be but he appears to be maintaining the service and really
what more can you ask???? I get what I pay for. I do miss the
comraderie, but that really was extracurricular when it came to the
business end of the stick.
2008-11-13 14:51:01 UTC
Winston said
Post by Winston
I get what I pay for. I do miss the
comraderie, but that really was extracurricular when it came to the
business end of the stick.
Nice to see others get the same from octa as I do.

Imagine if there were no hypothetical situations...
Wilbur Hubbard
2008-11-13 23:36:36 UTC
Post by Lenny_Nero
Winston said
Post by Winston
I get what I pay for. I do miss the
comraderie, but that really was extracurricular when it came to the
business end of the stick.
Nice to see others get the same from octa as I do.
Dream on! You obviously haven't read *support recently.

Wilbur Hubbard
2008-11-14 11:27:34 UTC
Post by Wilbur Hubbard
Post by Lenny_Nero
Winston said
Post by Winston
I get what I pay for. I do miss the
comraderie, but that really was extracurricular when it came to the
business end of the stick.
Nice to see others get the same from octa as I do.
Dream on! You obviously haven't read *support recently.
Wilbur Hubbard
I can only report my own experience. If others are having problems I am
sorry. What issues have arisen have eventually been addressed as far as
I can tell. What I don't understand is why people would continue to harp
and complain instead of moving on to another service if they are unhappy
with the one they're using? That, to me, doesn't make good business
sense from the point of the consumer.
Wilbur Hubbard
2008-11-14 19:14:26 UTC
Post by Winston
Post by Wilbur Hubbard
Post by Lenny_Nero
Winston said
Post by Winston
I get what I pay for. I do miss the
comraderie, but that really was extracurricular when it came to the
business end of the stick.
Nice to see others get the same from octa as I do.
Dream on! You obviously haven't read *support recently.
Wilbur Hubbard
I can only report my own experience. If others are having problems I am
sorry. What issues have arisen have eventually been addressed as far as
I can tell. What I don't understand is why people would continue to harp
and complain instead of moving on to another service if they are unhappy
with the one they're using? That, to me, doesn't make good business
sense from the point of the consumer.
Sadly, problems of various sorts are anything but rare. Read the support
group sometime.

What you said would make sense if the service were free. But, since they
charge good money for it, should a customer just throw his money away and
sign up with another service that might be just as bad? Or should a customer
expect an acceptable level of service in return for his payment?

Chronic problems that never seem to be fixed are unacceptable.

If you paid for cable television a year in advance (as in a block account
here) and could not use it reliably because let's say 10% or more of the
time it was knackered would you just move on and purchase service with
another provider or would you ask for your money back and expect somebody on
the other end of the line to make the adjustments and send you a refund?

With Octanews when the service has a problem there isn't even anybody you
can talk to or notify and get an answer. This in no way to run any business.

But, before you get the wrong impression, personally I'm pleased with the
service I receive from Octanews. It has been very reliable but I use it only
for text as I don't dabble in binaries. Many of the problems of late seem to
be with incomplete binaries. On the other hand, I find it totally
unacceptable that there is nobody one can contact who has the courtesy to
reply to assist with problems should they occur.

Wilbur Hubbard
2008-11-14 23:06:23 UTC
Wilbur Hubbard said
Post by Wilbur Hubbard
Post by Winston
Post by Wilbur Hubbard
Dream on! You obviously haven't read *support recently.
Wilbur Hubbard
I can only report my own experience. If others are having problems I
am sorry. What issues have arisen have eventually been addressed as
far as I can tell. What I don't understand is why people would continue
to harp and complain instead of moving on to another service if they
are unhappy with the one they're using? That, to me, doesn't make good
business sense from the point of the consumer.
Sadly, problems of various sorts are anything but rare. Read the support
group sometime.
I do read support, but as said I dont seem to have the problems that
others do, and cant think of more than 10[ish] times in the life of
Octanews and my use of it that there have been problems and there have
only been even less that could not be worked around in real time i.e. the
frontend bug where a simple .nzb import negates all problems.

But I expect Winston, J.P. I and a few others have a totally different
feed ...or could it be that we know how to use and setup what we have ???

Imagine if there were no hypothetical situations...
2008-11-15 13:24:21 UTC
Post by Lenny_Nero
Wilbur Hubbard said
Post by Wilbur Hubbard
Post by Winston
Post by Wilbur Hubbard
Dream on! You obviously haven't read *support recently.
Wilbur Hubbard
I can only report my own experience. If others are having problems I
am sorry. What issues have arisen have eventually been addressed as
far as I can tell. What I don't understand is why people would continue
to harp and complain instead of moving on to another service if they
are unhappy with the one they're using? That, to me, doesn't make good
business sense from the point of the consumer.
Sadly, problems of various sorts are anything but rare. Read the support
group sometime.
I do read support, but as said I dont seem to have the problems that
others do, and cant think of more than 10[ish] times in the life of
Octanews and my use of it that there have been problems and there have
only been even less that could not be worked around in real time i.e. the
frontend bug where a simple .nzb import negates all problems.
But I expect Winston, J.P. I and a few others have a totally different
feed ...or could it be that we know how to use and setup what we have ???
I have to go with both of you on this. I personally haven't had any
problems, but I can see Wilbur's point about conducting business. I
might point out however that you do purchase blocks at your own risk
since they are not (and are clearly marked as such) refundable. However
there should be in any well run business be a response of some kind to
customer inquiries and requests for technical support. Those who
subscribe to Octanews, do they get responses? Cable companies are
usually a monopoly in their area so it's hard to move on, but if I were
getting lousy service and another company were available, I would indeed
bite the bullet and switch, but that's just me. I don't know from
feeds, I don't even have a rudimentary knowledge of the difference
between text and binaries, although I suspect that text means you're
getting works only??? All I know is that when I want to download I can
and (sometimes suplemented by NZBs...which I also only have the basic
knowledge of using) I get my downloads. But I am not downloading huge
files like TV Shows and Movies. Overall Octanews was a much more
engaging experience when Mike was aboard every day but those
days appear to be over so every user is just going to have to make up
his mind about Octanews based upon his needs and usage and experience.
2009-01-30 00:42:31 UTC
Post by Winston
Post by Lenny_Nero
Wilbur Hubbard said
Post by Wilbur Hubbard
Post by Winston
Post by Wilbur Hubbard
Dream on! You obviously haven't read *support recently.
Wilbur Hubbard
I can only report my own experience. If others are having problems
I am sorry. What issues have arisen have eventually been addressed
as far as I can tell. What I don't understand is why people would
continue to harp and complain instead of moving on to another
service if they are unhappy with the one they're using? That, to
me, doesn't make good business sense from the point of the consumer.
Sadly, problems of various sorts are anything but rare. Read the
support group sometime.
I do read support, but as said I dont seem to have the problems that
others do, and cant think of more than 10[ish] times in the life of
Octanews and my use of it that there have been problems and there have
only been even less that could not be worked around in real time i.e.
the frontend bug where a simple .nzb import negates all problems.
But I expect Winston, J.P. I and a few others have a totally different
feed ...or could it be that we know how to use and setup what we have ???
I have to go with both of you on this. I personally haven't had any
problems, but I can see Wilbur's point about conducting business. I
might point out however that you do purchase blocks at your own risk
since they are not (and are clearly marked as such) refundable. However
there should be in any well run business be a response of some kind to
customer inquiries and requests for technical support. Those who
subscribe to Octanews, do they get responses? Cable companies are
usually a monopoly in their area so it's hard to move on, but if I were
getting lousy service and another company were available, I would indeed
bite the bullet and switch, but that's just me. I don't know from
feeds, I don't even have a rudimentary knowledge of the difference
between text and binaries, although I suspect that text means you're
getting works only??? All I know is that when I want to download I can
and (sometimes suplemented by NZBs...which I also only have the basic
knowledge of using) I get my downloads. But I am not downloading huge
files like TV Shows and Movies. Overall Octanews was a much more
engaging experience when Mike was aboard every day but those
days appear to be over so every user is just going to have to make up
his mind about Octanews based upon his needs and usage and experience.
This is not a promotional ad, I have been using Newshosting(dot)com since
June 2007 and I could no longer connect to Octanews. NH now provides
250 days retention, 20 gigs + 12 connections for $10.00 U.S. a month,
has never let me down once and..... they respond instantly by email
when there is a concern sent to them. Great service!

There, that said you should check it out, and I am not asking
to be reference for any type of credit either.
Have a great day and many thanks to all that have helped me here
over the years.

2008-11-18 13:19:32 UTC
Post by Lenny_Nero
But I expect Winston, J.P. I and a few others have a totally different
feed ...or could it be that we know how to use and setup what we have ???
Well i'm client of octanews since the first week that the server works,
maybe you have different feed xD, i don't know why you don't have the
problems that lot of people we have here in Europe.
I know perfectly how to use the nbz files, and i hadn't problems with
octanews except in the last months, and freenews works well too when is
open, so the problems are of the server support no the clients...

2008-11-19 07:07:01 UTC
Kermit said
Post by Kermit
i don't know why you don't have the
problems that lot of people we have here in Europe.
I am in the UK.

Imagine if there were no hypothetical situations...
2008-11-19 13:29:55 UTC
Post by Lenny_Nero
Kermit said
Post by Kermit
i don't know why you don't have the
problems that lot of people we have here in Europe.
I am in the UK.
Well, then grats you are a lucky man whitout bins problems. But lot of
people have incomplete bins and the problem isn't the config like you say,
when we could download since lot of years before, and it seems that in the
other servers the bins are complete.

The problem seems that is intermittent, because in the last months works
well some weeks and then the same problem severaly days (just look the
posts in this group), so the problem is the server.

Just hope that Mike can fix this soon, i have lot of downloads without
